
Topicality. The activities of modern enterprises are characterized by a mismatch of environmental and economic interests, an inefficient policy in the field of environmental security, which leads to negative external and internal consequences. Therefore, tools need to be improved to ensure the environmental security of the enterprise. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of a mechanism for ensuring environmental security of the enterprise. The objectives of the study are: to clarify the essence of environmental security, its mechanism of maintenance; definition of principles, criteria, prerequisites for the formation of a mechanism for ensuring environmental security; substantiation of the purpose, goals, functions, structure of this mechanism.
 Research results. Theoretical and methodological formation provisions of the mechanism of ensuring the ecological security of the enterprise, which consist in the refinement of such elements of methodology as basic theories and paradigms, approaches according to which the subject area, target orientations, subject-object structure, criteria, methods, determine the content content of the components of this mechanism. Determined the essence of the mechanism of ensuring the environmental security of the enterprise as a set of institutions, principles, levers, methods and instruments of influence to ensure such conditions of its (enterprise’s) functioning, which guarantee the achievement of economic and social development goals, prevent (minimize) destructive impact and preserve (improvement) of qualitative and quantitative parameters of the external environment of the enterprise. A functional approach to meaningful filling of the mechanism as a set of the following blocks has been developed: formation of institutional conditions for ensuring the environmental security of the enterprise; organizational and information analytical support; goal setting; substantiation of the strategic set of enterprise development; development of environmental policy; strategic planning; choice of instruments of legal, economic, technical, organizational character; control. Conclusion. Ensuring the ecological security of enterprises is possible only through the selection of such a set of effective instruments of influence on all processes and spheres of its activity within a single mechanism, which will allow timely identification and prevention of internal and external threats to the development of the enterprise, to realize the set goals without harming the environment.


  • There is a need for further development of theoretical and methodological basis for the formation and implementation of an effective mechanism for ensuring the environmental security of enterprises, in particular, clarification of the essence of the enterprise's ecological security, mechanism for its provision and its components, which forms a special direction of scientific research, taking into account the patterns of enterprise functioning in the market economics, transformation processes, negative changes that occur in the environment

  • Since environmental security is a complex concept and is achieved through the use of different instruments and areas of application, it is advisable to use a synthetic approach in the study as a set of scientific, systemic, institutional, and functional approaches

  • The unit of control in the system of mechanism of ensuring the environmental security of the enterprise has external and internal components, which we described above, considering such tools as environmental monitoring, audit, state control over compliance with environmental legislation, norms and standards, etc

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Набули подальшого розвитку визначення сутності механізму забезпечення екологічної безпеки підприємства як сукупності інституцій, принципів, важелів, методів та інструментів впливу щодо забезпечення таких умов його (підприємства) функціонування, за яких гарантується досягнення економічних та соціальних цілей розвитку, недопущення (мінімізація) деструктивного впливу та збереження (поліпшення) якісних та кількісних параметрів зовнішнього оточення підприємства. Розвинуто функціональний підхід до змістовного наповнення механізму як сукупності таких блоків: формування інституційних умов забезпечення екологічної безпеки підприємства; організаційного та інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення; цілепокладання; обґрунтування стратегічного набору розвитку підприємства; розробки екологічної політики; стратегічного планування; вибору інструментів правового, економічного, технічного, організаційного характеру; контролю. The activities of modern enterprises are characterized by a mismatch of environmental and economic interests, an inefficient policy in the field of environmental security, which leads to negative external and internal consequences. Tools need to be improved to ensure the environmental security of the enterprise

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