
The generally accepted mechanism of catalysis by tyrosine phenol lyase (TPL) includes three principal chemical transformations of the substrate: (1) abstraction of the α-proton in the external aldimine; (2) tautomerization of the aromatic moiety to convert it into a good leaving group and (3)β-elimination of the leaving group. The relative significance of these stages has been elucidated for the reactions of TPL from Erwinia herbicola with suitable substrates, L-tyrosine and 3-fluoro-L-tyrosine. The three stages are susceptible to different kinetic isotope effects (KIEs). To determine the respective KIEs the kinetics of TPL reactions with normal and α-deuteriated 3-fluorotyrosine in water and in 2H2O, and with β,β-dideuteriated substrate in water, were examined. The KIE values that were found (α-KIE = 3.4 in water and 2.0 in 2H2O; solvent KIE = 1.7; β-KIE = 1.1) are in good agreement with the classic stepwise (not concerted) mechanism of α-proton transfer to the leaving group. The solvent KIEs for the reactions of 3-fluorotyrosine and tyrosine are the same. This result and the low absolute values of the solvent KIEs allow the assumption that the tautomerization stage is at equilibrium. A reaction mechanism is suggested where the tautomerization stage does contribute significantly to the total free-energy barrier although the highest maximum on the free-energy profile corresponds to the subsequent β-elimination stage.

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