
The variety of threats of dangerous events and emergencies and the diversity of tasks to combat their consequences, including health, require constant attention from the state to improve the system of civil protection. The main component of civil protection is medical protection, ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, which includes the organization and implementation of a number of measures aimed at organizing the provision of affordable and adequate medical care. That is, first of all, the provision of assistance concerns persons who have received injuries and injuries as a result of the impact of emergency factors. In this regard, the organization and provision of medical care to victims requires constant attention and constant obtaining reliable information about the nature of emergencies for a comprehensive analysis of the situation in its cell, primarily to determine the size of sanitary losses, their size and structure. Is the basis for determining the need for medical forces and means to eliminate the health consequences of emergencies. The main research of domestic scientists, devoted to the elimination of health consequences of emergencies, focused on the organization of medical care to victims, bringing them adequate and timely care, creating conditions to reduce irreversible losses through optimal use of health care resources within a single medical space. There is no normative definition of irreversible sanitary losses in Ukraine; there is only a definition of victims of man-made or natural disasters as persons whose health has been damaged as a result of emergencies. At present, it can be argued that there is no normative document in the sphere of medical (biological) protection of Ukraine, which should regulate the procedures for identification, preservation of the dead bodies for further identification and burial in conditions of mass sanitary losses due to emergencies. Mostly the problem of administration of mass irreversible losses in sources of scientific information is considered in the context of liquidation of consequences of natural disasters (natural disasters). In English-language sources of scientific information, such events are most often described by the term «disaster». The only international document on the organization of the burial of the dead bodies of those killed in an emergency is the leadership of the World Health Organization, which provides recommendations for the organization of procedures for the identification and burial of victims of emergencies. In many disaster response plans initiated by health and government agencies, detailed organizational planning ends with confirmation that death has occurred and the dead bodies are «sent to the morgue». That is why the identification of the dead has been a problem for pathological services for many years, although only relatively recently have modern technological advances and basic management procedures been used for this purpose in the face of massive irreversible sanitary losses. The 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean was the world practice for the administration of irreversible sanitary losses in the conditions of emergency in the direction of standardization and creation of basic documents. Some experience has been gained in identifying the victims of Interpol during the investigation of the genocide in the former Yugoslavia and during the investigation of large-scale terrorist attacks in the last two decades. Proper and dignified treatment of victims of natural disasters is one of the three main pillars of the humanitarian response and a fundamental factor in identifying victims and helping families to know the fate of their loved ones. This is what the second and updated edition of the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Society's recommendation on the treatment of victims of emergencies for first responders contains practical and easy-to-use guidelines for identifying, identifying, documenting and storing the remains of the dead bodies due to natural disasters. These guidelines are designed to assist rapid response services in ensuring that victims are treated with respect and that information is collected and processed for further identification and burial. Taking into account the above, the author's definitions of the mechanism of administration of the consequences of emergencies in relation to mass irreversible sanitary losses, which is based on the best world practices, are given. Given the need to harmonize the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of civil protection with the European and the desire to join the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, it is advisable to introduce European protocols for identification of victims of emergencies and develop plans for responding to mass irreversible losses for algorithms of interaction with local authorities.

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