
Topicality. The urgency of determining measures that are to ensure the economic growth of regions under the influence of globalization and decentralization of the system of governance and administrative-territorial structure is significant and linked to the formation of prerequisites for the further development of the economies of the regions. This topic is one of the main in modern regulatory documents, international agreements, strategies. Strategic documents on EU development for the period up to 2027 refer to the need of the ensuring of decent standard of wellfare without significant divergence in different territories of countries, in accordance with their prerequisites and capabilities in the fields of traditional and smart specializations. It emphasizes the importance of accessing the baseline territories with their local capabilities and advantages to the global economic exchange, while maintaining the balance of management and effectiveness of managing the development of the territorial bases and regional levels: without compromising local self-government, an adequate level of decentralization should be ensured, whereby standards for the performance of all management functions and the provision of public services will be controlled, regulated and guaranteed by the principle of subsidiarity, and key powers will be retained by central authorities and a high level of control will be ensured. Most European countries have already undergone the most difficult phase of transformational transformation to integrate territories into the global economic exchange based on the use of local opportunities and benefits. For Ukraine, however, this stage is just beginning and the results of the first phase of decentralization indicate the need to include levers of economic regulation and stimulate the development of the economic foundation for further administrative and territorial transformations. Therefore, it is important to formulate a set of measures to ensure the economic development of territorial systems in the country, which must meet the current perspective directions of world, European, national, cross-border policy and provide the construction of an institutional framework and economic foundation for further decentralization, administrative and administrative changes.Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to identify key areas and measures for the effective regulation of processes of sustainable development of functional territories in the context of decentralization and globalization and taking into account the impact of institutional support and framework conditions, in particular regulations, international, national, cross-border levels.Research results. The complex of vectors and measures for stimulation of sustainable development of functional territories, defined by economic features in the structure of administrative-territorial units of Ukraine, involved in the processes of decentralization and globalization, has been developed. The urgency of applying the modern mechanism of institutional support for the investment development of the regions in terms of decentralization from the standpoint of compliance with the goals and criteria of the Concept of reforming local self-government, strategic documents on promoting sustainable development in Ukraine until 2020 and 2030, as well as the provisions of government action plans, program documents support for reforms by the President of Ukraine. The key directions of increasing investment activity in the regions are determined on the basis of taking into account the principles and provisions of the European Cohesion Policy for the period up to 2027, the prospects for the development of the Lower Danube Euroregion, the implementation of the Danube Interreg transboundary cooperation program and the provisions of other agreements and program documents in the field of cross-border and international cooperation. Measures to regulate the economic development of the regions based on support for their effective participation in the globalization processes are defined.Conclusion. The regularities and challenges of the modern institutional support of the economic development of the regions in the conditions of influence of globalization and decentralization processes with the identification of features of such provision at the international, national, cross-border levels are revealed. Formulated vectors for stimulating the economic development of the region in modern conditions and supplemented by such measures of their implementation as: the use of tax levers to support priority types of activities in terms of functional territories and by design, economic grounds; introduction of economic experiments to support the development of territorial-economic complexes that form certain functional communities or capable of realizing potentially promising areas of specialization; development and active use of unified approaches to the assessment and sound regulation of economic activity and development of regional economic systems.


  • IntroductionThe urgency of determining measures that are to ensure the economic growth of regions under the influence of globalization and decentralization of the system of governance and administrative-territorial structure is significant and linked to the formation of prerequisites for the further development of the economies of the regions

  • Strategic documents on EU development for the period up to 2027 refer to the need of the ensuring of decent standard of wellfare without significant divergence in different territories of countries, in accordance with their prerequisites and capabilities in the fields of traditional and smart specializations. It emphasizes the importance of accessing the baseline territories with their local capabilities and advantages to the global economic exchange, while maintaining the balance of management and effectiveness of managing the development of the territorial bases and regional levels: without compromising local self-government, an adequate level of decentralization should be ensured, whereby standards for the performance of all management functions and the provision of public services will be controlled, regulated and guaranteed by the principle of subsidiarity, and key powers will be retained by central authorities and a high level of control will be ensured

  • Based on the analysis of the existing institutional support for the sustainable development of the regions in the context of decentralization from the standpoint of compliance with the goals of effective use of local advantages of territories for participation in international economic exchange, it has been determined that the key directions of the implementation of regulatory policy in this direction should include:

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The urgency of determining measures that are to ensure the economic growth of regions under the influence of globalization and decentralization of the system of governance and administrative-territorial structure is significant and linked to the formation of prerequisites for the further development of the economies of the regions. This topic is one of the main in modern regulatory documents, international agreements, strategies. It is important to formulate a set of measures to ensure the economic development of territorial systems in the country, which must meet the current perspective directions of world, European, national, cross-border policy and provide the construction of an institutional framework and economic foundation for further decentralization, administrative and administrative changes

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