
We have measured the half-lives of 87mY and 87gY produced from the 89Y(γ, 2n) and 89Y(n, 3n) reactions with the bremsstrahlung end-point energy of 65 MeV and the average neutron energy of 37.2 MeV using an activation and an off-line γ-ray spectrometric technique, respectively. The bremsstrahlung photon was produced by using the 100 MeV electron linac of the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), whereas the fast neutron was produced from the 9Be(p, n) reaction by using the 45 MeV proton of the MC-50 Cyclotron at the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS). We have also measured the half-lives of 194Au and 196m2,gAu produced from the 197Au(γ, xn; x = 1, 3) and 197Au(n, xn; x = 2, 4) reactions with the bremsstrahlung end-point energy of 60 MeV and the average neutron energy of 37.2 MeV using the same technique and the same facilities as mentioned above. The induced γ-ray activities of the irradiated samples were measured by using an energy- and efficiency calibrated high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The spectrum analysis has been done by using the ROOT software to separate signals from background. The measured half-lives are compared with the literature values and are in general agreement with each other within the uncertainties.

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