
In 2000, UN declared the establishment of Millennium Development Goals, which had 8 goals, They were eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other disease, ensure environmental sustainability, global partnership for development. In spite of the performance, MDGs ended in 2015. Now, SDGs as the successor of MDGs is going on till 2030. SDGs have the 17 goals including the unfinished targets of MDGs. While MDGs had the meaning of supplement paradigm of economic growth development paradigm, which the prevalent development paradigm since the cold war, SDGs has the meaning of the replacement paradigm of the economic grawth development paradigm. Because we face the poly-crisis that the economic development itself has leaded, the establishment of the replacement paradigm is very important. But SDGs is not enough to be a replacement paradigm because it has been established through the negotiation between many stakeholders. Replacement paradigm can make paradigm shift through the introduction and settlement of the economic model which has the character, the harmony between society, economy and nature. Thus we need to pay attention to the settlement of the ESG because ESG emerged having the relevance with the SDGs. When the new (sustainable) development model can be settled, then we can find the solving direction of the crisis which we face.

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