
Against a background of increasingly complex process technology using increasingly complex plant and equipment, the relative lack of vocational courses in the engineering industry gives increasing rise to concern in many parts of the world. MCAST, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, was founded in 2001 with the full backing of the Maltese Government, a clear demonstration of its commitment to the area of vocational education and training. Its founders saw MCAST as having an indispensable role in the development of an inclusive society and as a dynamic engine for the promotion of a knowledge-based economy. Naturally, MCAST was primarily required to provide wide ranging opportunities for all Maltese and Gozitan citizens. The vision was an institution that would be both wanted and respected by industry for its curriculum offering and its responsiveness to industry’s particular needs. At the same time, it was hoped that MCAST would take full advantage of Pan-European collaborative actions and the European exchange programmes for both students and staff. Malta is very well placed geographically to attract students from many other parts of Europe, and especially the Mediterranean shoreline and North Africa, looking for education and training provided using English – a centre of vocational excellence in the region. MCAST has already achieved a great deal and Government support has been sustained and, indeed, increased through investment in physical and human resources. Further, it is a benefi ciary of additional substantial investment through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The European Social Fund (ESF) will sustain a wide range of courses at different levels and emphasise MCAST’s role as a Community College, welcoming: • young students • older workers • returnees to the workforce • adults who wish to upskill, reskill or upgrade their knowledge and competences. The College currently provides for 4500 full-time and 4000 part-time students, through both vocational education and training and academic programmes that prepare students for careers in industry, business or commerce or higher education, in nine ‘institutes’ and the Gozo Centre. The Institute of Mechanical Engineering offers the following courses: • MCAST Foundation Certifi cate in Mechanical Engineering • Diploma in Automotive Maintenance & Repair (CG Prof Grech served as a member of the IFHTSE Executive Committee for several years

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