
Abstract A family of ternary carbides and nitrides, known as MAX phases, combine attractive properties of both ceramics and metals, and has been suggested for potential nuclear reactor applications. The unirradiated materials properties of importance for in-core structural materials and as fuel pellet coatings for several leading MAX phase materials have been summarized from literature. The materials show high mechanical damage tolerance in terms of creep, thermal/mechanical fatigue and fracture resistance, and very good chemical compatibility with select coolants such as molten lead and sodium. Neutron activation has been calculated for commercial purity materials exposed to both idealized fast and thermal reactor neutron spectra for 10, 30, and 60 years of exposure. The specific activities of Ti 3 SiC 2 , Ti 3 AlC 2 , and Ti 2 AlC were compared to those of SiC and Alloy 617, two leading candidate materials for next generation reactor components. The specific activities of MAX phases were similar to SiC and three orders of magnitude less than Alloy 617 after 10–60 years decay for all three activation times in both the fast and thermal spectra. As with SiC, the main radioisotopes after a decay period of 10 years for all three activation times in the MAX phases are tritium and C 14 . Neutron irradiation results of Ti 3 SiC 2 , Ti 3 AlC 2 , and Ti 2 AlC experimentally confirmed the neutron transmutation analysis.

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