
As the demand for nuclear energy keeps rising, Generation IV reactor designs continuously improve. One such potential reactor design is the Gas-cooled Reactor. Neutronic analysis is the foundation for ongoing design modifications and alternatives for the Helium Gas-cooled Reactor. An important aspect of neutronic analysis is the nuclear data library. This research compares how different nuclear data libraries impact a Helium Gas-cooled Reactor design by comparing the neutron effective multiplication factor (k-eff) value. This research was conducted by the Monte Carlo method using OpenMC code. ENDF/B-VII.1, ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JENDL-5.0 were used as nuclear data libraries to simulate the reactor design for ten years of depletion time with 1-year timesteps. The reactor is designed in two different spectrums: the fast neutron spectrum design and the thermal neutron spectrum design. The differences between the two designs are in the cladding and reflector materials where the thermal neutron spectrum uses graphite moderator. The results for thermal spectrum design show that while each nuclear data library’s average k-eff values vary, they all produce the same results at timestep zero, with k-eff values around 1.02500. The average k-eff value from simulation using the ENDF/B-VII.1 library is 1.01477, the average k-eff value from simulation using the ENDF/B-VIII.0 library is 1.01122, and the average k-eff value from simulation using the JENDL-5.0 library is 1.01047. Each simulation result has an average uncertainty of 0.00040. The difference is due to the different amounts of data in each library. JENDL-5.0 has the highest amount of data inside its nuclear libraries, followed by ENDF/B-VIII.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1. Meanwhile, the average difference between the different libraries is insignificant for the thermal gas-cooled reactor simulation results. ENDF/B-VIII.0 produces an effective k-average of 1.04437, and JENDL-5.0 produces an effective k-average of 1.04273. Mass change over time results also shows that the transmutation of Uranium-238 into Plutonium-239 occurred. The fast spectrum reactor design shows a greater increase in plutonium-239 than the thermal spectrum design. The three libraries used did not show large differences in results in calculating changes in the mass of Uranium-238 over time due to Uranium-238‘s large mass, but they still showed differences in Plutonium-239‘s mass change over time. The average value difference between libraries in the fast neutron spectrum reactor design is 50 kg, and in the thermal spectrum it is 30 kg.

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