
We present the exact analytical solution of stripe solitons on different backgrounds in Bose–Einstein condensates with helicoidal spin–orbit coupling (SOC). They are divided into two categories, one is stationary stripe soliton on zero background or period-wave background, the other is moving stripe soliton on zero background or plane-wave background. The period of stripe is determined by both strength and frequency of helicoidal SOC, and the oscillation amplitude of stripe is adjustable in the case of fixed total density. The corresponding spin polarization is expressed on Bloch sphere. For stationary soliton, the spin density vector take values in three directions, which is different from the Rashba–Dresslhaus coupling scheme. The spin density vectors display more complicated spatial distribution for moving stripe solitons. Meanwhile, the formation mechanism of stripe soliton and the interaction properties of moving stripe solitons are discussed. Our work enhances the understanding of stripe solitons, and is helpful for the observation of stripe phase.

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