
ECLAC, through its postulates, establishes ideals that manage to promote the change of the productive matrix, allowing the economic growth of developing countries ,this is how Ecuador, through political and commercial instruments, began the transformation of the productive sector, where the National Plan, the Agenda for Productive Transformation,the Industrial Policy and Strategies, establish guidelines that contribute to prioritized sectors with incentives of a commercial, financial, promotional, productive and tax nature, that It encourages the textile industry and promote an adequate change in the productive matrix. The national textile industry is important in the economic sector because it generates employment, It is the second manufacturing industry that It provides innovation and has high added value. At the level of Imbabura Province, Antonio Ante canton has been selected as a case study, as it represents a cultural textile history, with the objective of establishing information on the structure and behavior that the sector has, with the involvement of the actors responsible for compliance, of what is established in the National Plan for Good Living from 2009 to 2013 and 2013 to 2017. The research addresses the application of policies states for the benefit of the productive textile sector and how the direct actors have known how to take advantage of these opportunities, or It is the sector that It continues to be the most vulnerable.

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