
Language is the most important communication tool in interacting with anyone in this world; lots of languages have been created, all of that to make it easier to communicate with others. Because language is one of the important components in everyday life, when someone understands the language, it will be easier for him to do whatever he wants. Language proficiency is generally divided into four parts, namely, maharah al-istima', maharah al-kalam, maharah al-qira'ah, and maharah al-kitabah. Language also has its features. One example of a language that has privileges compared to other languages is Arabic because of its high-quality literary value for those who study it. Arabic is also destined to be the language of the Qur'an, which communicates the words of Allah S.W.T. Arabic is mandatory material for madrasah-based educational institutions for all levels. One of the keys to mastering a new language is the vocabulary of the language itself; if we can master the vocabulary of that language, then we already have the provisions to learn more about that language. This study aims to see the ability to write Arabic at the beginner level for students. To achieve these objectives, this research is qualitative in nature. Therefore, a method is used that is appropriate to this type of research, namely a qualitative research method in which the data obtained are stated as they are or are naturalistic in nature. In accordance with the test results, the average student score is 82.0; the average result explains that students are classified as able to master writing Arabic vocabulary.

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