
Humans need to grow up. This means that individuals be involved, meaning, relationships and achievements as subjective and objective components within themselves to be able to grow. Those who grow will believe in their ability to have extensive and satisfying social relationships. This ability is termed flourishing. Abilities required by employees in the world of work. Meanwhile, many factors can influence individuals to grow. The aim of this research is to determine the sociodemographic predictors of flourishing on employees. This research used a quantitative non-experimental approach with an accidental sampling method involving 957 employees. The research subjects were employees who worked as State Civil Apparatus (ASN), BUMN employees, and private employees. The instruments used in this research were the Flourishing Scale (FS) and sociodemographic questionnaire. Data analysis used independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. The research results show that employee growth can be predicted by age, education level, profession, marital status, and gender. This means that to increase employee growth, it can be viewed from various factors.

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