
THE study of random walks on graphs is fascinating in its own right. In addition, it has a number of applications to the design and analysis of randomized algorithms. This chapter will be devoted to studying random walks on graphs, and to some of their algorithmic applications. We start by describing a simple algorithm for the 2-SAT problem, and analyze it by studying the properties of random walks on the line. Following a brief treatment of the basics of Markov chains, we consider random walks on undirected graphs. It is shown that there is a strong connection between random walks and the theory of electric networks. Random walks are then applied to the problem of determining the connectivity of graphs. Next, we turn to the study of random walks on expander graphs. We define a class of expanders and use algebraic graph theory to characterize their properties. Finally, we illustrate the special properties of random walks on expanders via an application to probability amplification. Let G = (V,E) be a connected, undirected graph with n vertices and m edges. For a vertex v Є V, Γ(v) denotes the set of neighbors of v in G. A random walk on G is the following process, which occurs in a sequence of discrete steps: starting at a vertex v 0 , we proceed at the first step to a randomly chosen neighbor of V 0 . This may be thought of as choosing a random edge incident on V 0 and walking along it to a vertex v 1 Є Γ(v 0 ).

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