
The objective of the study was to identify the marketing structure and opportunities of almond products in the Samangan and Balkh provinces. The primary data were obtained from questionnaires conducted by face to face interviews with the 125 small scale almond producers and 42 intermediaries, and the secondary data collected from various sources. The collected data were analyzed using parametric and nonparametric statistical methods. According to the results of the study, the average age was 45.13 years for almond farmers and 41.44 years for intermediaries. The average schooling years were 5.40 years for farmers and 9.43 years for intermediaries. While most of the farmers were elementary school graduates, the majority of the intermediaries were secondary school graduates. The strongest aspects of the almond marketing sector in the region are the experience of the farmers and their high interest in this product. The most important opportunities are the good experience of farmers, the adaptation of almonds in Balkh and Samangan, the interest of the farmer in horticulture, availability of substantial varieties of almonds, exports competitiveness of almond products of the region, and the favorable climatic conditions. The study concludes that the government and NGOs should support producers and intermediaries in developing the infrastructure of local markets. They should provide farmers with agricultural inputs at affordable prices, implement capacity building programs, inform all stakeholders on input and product prices, develop credit opportunities, and support farmers' organizations.

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