
The aim of the article. Analyze the website of the higher education institution (University of Customs and Finance) in Dnipro in comparison with other educational institutions' websites; on the basis of the conducted research, develop the design of the main page of the site. The results of the analyses. Based on the assessment of university websites for 2023, we can conclude that the largest number of visits to the website of the NTU "Dniprovska Polytechnic", and the least number of visits to the website of the University of Customs and Finance. Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (DDAEU) spent the longest time on the site and viewed 12 pages, the least interested was the information posted on the Dnipro State Academy of Construction and Architecture, number of pages viewed – 2, 5, Time of stay on the UMSF website is 5 minutes. 7 p. and an average of 2.7 pages were viewed. This is a low value of the indicator and indicates that the content posted on the website of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University was the most interesting, and the least on the website of the Dnipro State Academy of Construction and Architecture, the percentage of rejections on website of the University of Customs and Finance is 46.45%. Foreign users were most interested in information on the website of the Dnipro National University named after O. Honchar, while foreigners were least interested in the website of the University of Customs and Finance. All the universities we studied use social networks to spread information about their calling. Based on the results of the research, we can conclude that the website of the Dnipro University named after A. Nobel has the best design and navigation, and the website of the Dnipro National University named after O. Honchar has the worst indicators. The website of the studied higher education institution (University of Customs and Finance) has 64 points according to experts. In general, it has convenient navigation, simple design, textual content is accompanied by illustrative content, meaningful information content. A negative indicator is the lack of a site search button on the main page. In addition, contacts for feedback and links to social networks are at the very bottom of the page. Based on the results of the SEO analysis of the site content, we can conclude that the Dnipro National University of Railway Transport website has the largest number of symbols. V. Lazaryan, and the smallest - the Dnipro State Academy of Construction and Architecture. The UMSF website has 14,292 characters. The largest number of unique words on the UMSF website. This means that the text has a higher semantic index. Low semantic index on the PDABA website. The highest "nauseousness" of the text on the website of NTU "Dniprovska Polytechnic", so search engines regard such an article as low-quality. The best content for search engines is the text on the website of the Dnipro State Academy of Construction and Architecture. The content of the website of the University of Customs and Finance is within the norm. "Perfect" website according to the Zipf index of Dniprovska Polytechnic National Technical University. The least naturalness of the text on the page is Dnipro University named after A. Nobel. The text on the UMSF website is considered to be spammed if the quality of the text is 47% according to Zipf's law. The highest site quality index is 440 (Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture), meaning users are satisfied with the site. The lowest level of trust in the portal of the University of Customs and Finance. The results of the calculation of the integral index showed that the Dnipro State Agrarian University has a critical condition in the use of the website, and the satisfactory use of the Internet site has the Dnipro University named after A. Nobel, the state of use of the site of the Dnipro State Academy of Construction and Architecture is assessed as tense. Conclusions and perspectives for further research. To improve the functioning of the website of the University of Customs and Finance, it is necessary to: add an analytics counter to the site, remove duplicates of the main page, improve the site architecture and add internal linking, add a separate postal address for placement on the site, develop a strategy to improve the number and quality of backlinks , improve site security, redirect to the main site address, include keywords in the meta title and meta description, increase the page title tag, add an English version of the site, change the site design. The proposed measures will help to improve the technical characteristics of the site, and, therefore, to occupy better positions in Google's search results. The design change will contribute to better recognition of the university, improvement of the communicative component.

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