
Industry 4.0 is a real condition that we face. To meet this condition, Indonesia still needs IT infrastructure transformation. The problems that are happening at this time can no longer be solved in the same way as in the past. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is not sufficient only to be faced with technological sophistication alone, but must also involve social dynamics in it. So preparing a competitive advantage is necessary to answer the development of today's world, when information flows very quickly without being predictable with certainty. The important question is whether the concept of national policy strategy has been formulated properly. Have educational institutions in the community, especially Islamic Education institutions, begun to be designed to adapt to meet the needs for expertise in the industrial era 4.0. Furthermore, how can educators, educational staff, managers of Islamic educational institutions design management with a new paradigm and to anticipate and fill industry 4.0, especially in terms of the values built, because it is certain that industry 4.0 will have a negative impact. This is where Islamic Education institutions play a role. This paper aims to answer some of these questions. The method used in writing this article is a qualitative descriptive method through a library research approach. The conclusions from this paper are (1) the governance management of Islamic educational institutions is still weak; (2) the influence of industry 4.0. Islamic educational institutions need to respond wisely; (3) the need for massive reforms in Islamic educational institutions; (4) a revolutionary, responsive and visionary way of thinking is needed from all parties to create Islamic educational institutions that can respond to the influence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the current era of disruption; and (5) the importance of strengthening governance management in Islamic educational institutions. The solution to these problems is the need for massive reforms in the management of Islamic educational institutions so that they are able to respond to the challenges and demands of the changing times. In addition, this paper also seeks to provide a solutive offer for Islamic education in facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era.

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