
The emergency situation in oncology can be defined as a pathological condition determined by the clinical evo­lu­tion of cancerous paraneoplastic syndromes or a con­sequence of the chemotherapy disease (metabolic, he­ma­to­lo­gical, neurological, motor). Assessing the diag­no­sis and per­for­­ming specific therapy should be rapid and ad­dress the syn­dromes in the order of their severity. The diag­nosis of the oncology patient’s emergency must be deter­mined in the or­der of priority and type of emer­gen­cy: mor­pho­lo­gi­cal or obstructive paraneoplastic syn­dromes caused by solid tu­mors with organ and/or me­ta­bolic com­pres­sion caused by functional failure of tis­sues or or­gans; chemotherapy di­sease toxicity induced through ia­tro­pa­thy, following the ad­­mi­­nis­tration of che­mo­the­ra­py medication. The objectives in solving oncological emer­gen­cies are the diagnosis of the cause, the clinical and paraclinical evaluation and very rapid therapy. Pa­ra­neo­plas­tic syn­dromes may be due only to primary or associated tumors of lymph node in­va­sion, visceral me­tas­tases, or may be the consequence of established the­­ra­pies: surgical, chemotherapy, hor­mo­nal. Oncology emer­gency may be aggravated by preexisting liver disease, kid­­ney disease, hematologic disease, neurological disease, di­sease evo­lu­tion or therapy-associated. The urgency of on­co­lo­gi­cal the­ra­py is to control pain, restore blood volum, to amend the paraneoplastic symptoms (anemia, cachexia, throm­bo­cy­to­pe­nia, lympho­penia) and eventually restore the mor­pho­struc­tu­ral pal­liative integrity of affected tissues. The choice of the­ra­peu­tic strategy and the combination of techniques and methods are made personalized ac­cor­ding to the cli­ni­cal condition of the oncology patient at the time of diag­nosis by anamnesis, general physical exa­mi­na­tion, TNM clinical staging, monitoring of vital func­tions, histopathological type and the appreciation of the response to the therapies already performed.

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