
Character building today is quite concerning, in the era of 4.0 there are still many children who do not have a character that is sufficiently good. The noble character values that have been practiced by the Indonesian nation and state for centuries, thsat now started to erode must be rebuilt, especially through education. Character building is very important to be strengthened so that children, especially in the age of adolescence, who are in the stage of finding their identity, are not contaminated with things that can damage the character of the nation's children such as promiscuity, free sex, to criminal acts that violate the law. Nowadays, character building is always be an interesting topic of discussion and a source of solutions to various problems. Character cultivation and formation is indeed very important, because it is related to the quality of a nation, as expressed by (Faiz, 2019:1), character is an important aspect in the civilization of a nation, because the quality of character determines the existence of a nation. However, at this time character building has entered a new era and challenges, in addition to the domino effect of the conditions of the times and technological advances, character building is also faced with the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic which hinders the implementation and formation of character building in students.

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