
Competition and Competitiveness (COP) of the enterprise are important in economic terms , acquires special importance in this era of globalization . High level of COP is the guarantor of high returns. Consequently, under the current model of socio— economic development of the Russian Federation issues COP occupy a dominant place in the theory of the national economy. Despite this, to date, there is no single generally accepted definition of «competitiveness ». An important characteristic of the COP of the company is its management model. Problem poses on industries in general, affect the approaches used in the management of the firms operating in these sectors. The specificity of the industry in which the company operates, may affect the impact of industry-wide problems at the individual enterprise. To this industry include pharmaceutical. Today’s economic situation for Russian companies in the pharmaceutical industry is characterized by a low level of innovation component, low-profit orientation on the production of products (generics) , difficulties in the creation and registration of new products that eventually forms a low competitiveness of not only individual enterprises, but also the entire industry . Because of the strong competitive pressure from the nearest neighbors — China, India and other countries, as well as presence in the market a large number of manufacturers of large multinational pharmaceutical corporations, the development of Russian pharmaceutical COP greatly complicated. Import volumes of medicines, pharmaceutical substances, pharmaceutical goods in recent years tend to increase. Pricing and competitive strategy , used by foreign producers adversely affects not only the individual Russian companies , but in general, a number of pharmaceutical and related ( chemical, biochemical ) industries. In this situation, one of the main levers of influence on the situation at the enterprise level is the management of the COP. Control mechanism for the formation of a proper level is necessary to introduce a certain model that decision-making could consider the impact of key factors. The authors offer their vision model management competitiveness pharmaceutical company in a highly competitive market saturation.

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