
Neutron diffraction measurements were carried out on single crystals and powders of Yb2Pt2Pb, where Yb moments form planes of orthogonal dimers in the frustrated Shastry-Sutherland Lattice (SSL). Yb2Pt2Pb orders antiferromagnetically at TN=2.07 K, and the magnetic structure determined from these measurements features the interleaving of two orthogonal sublattices into a 5*5*1 magnetic supercell that is based on stripes with moments perpendicular to the dimer bonds, which are along (110) and (-110). Magnetic fields applied along (110) or (-110) suppress the antiferromagnetic peaks from an individual sublattice, but leave the orthogonal sublattice unaffected, evidence for the Ising character of the Yb moments in Yb2Pt2Pb. Specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity measurements concur with neutron elastic scattering results that the longitudinal critical fluctuations are gapped with E about 0.07 meV.

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