
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) has been used effectively in the evaluation of cardiac physiology. Studies have been done at various levels of complexity extending from isolated hearts to man. Correlation of high-energy phosphate compounds with contractile function is achieved by simultaneous or immediate sequential measurement of ventricular contractile function and the phosphorus-31 MR spectra. Studies in isolated hearts have monitored the response to ischemia of normal and hypertrophic hearts and the preservation of myocardial function and high- energy phosphate stores by drugs administered prior to the ischemic event. Regional myocardial ischemia has been evaluated by simultaneous monitoring of myocardial regional segment length by sonomicrometry and regional myocardial 31P MRS in the intact heart of larger animal models. Function and metabolism have been assessed in man by the combined application of cine MRI and 31P MRS acquired with a surface coil.

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