
We have studied the magnetic properties and decomposition behaviour of various ternary nitrides of the type R 2Fe 17N 2.7 with R ≡ Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu and Y. The magnetic anisotropy of the R 2Fe 17N 2.7 compounds was studied on magnetically aligned powders in field strengths up to 35 T. The rare-earth sublattice anisotropy is much stronger in R 2Fe 17N 2.7 than in R 2Fe 17, leading to an easy c-axis anisotropy in Sm 2Fe 17N 2.7. For Er 2Fe 17N 2.7 and Tm 2Fe 17N 2.7 spin-reorientation transitions were observed upon cooling from room temperature, starting at about 150 and 225 K, respectively. The intersublattice-coupling strength between the R- and Fe-sublattice magnetization was found to remain approximately unaltered after charging R 2Fe 17 with nitrogen gas.

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