
Abstract EDM is the most popular machining method used in industry to machine hard metals and alloys and many researchers try to explore the applications of EDM process. They are trying to optimize the machining characteristics of difficult to machine materials from the literature reviewed, it is observed that considerable research work has been done on various aspects of electrical discharge machining and abrasive EDM of Inconel 718 and Titanium-based alloy. But less literature is available in the study EDM of Superni-800 is a versatile alloy that is widely used for nuclear industries, petrochemical industries, furnace equipment, etc. There is a need to investigate the machining of this material with different powders by varying different machining parameters such. In the current test study, blind holes were machined using BM-processed copper-titanium electrodes and a conventional copper electrode during the discharge of the Superni-800. The test design and variation analysis were implemented to understand the effects, contribution, importance, and optimal mechanical configuration, i.e. polarity, peak current, of the process investigation., Separation voltage in electrode type, pulse time, and material removal rate (MRR) and wear rate (WR). Significant parameters affecting the decisiveness of the machine were explored and the optimal size of the combination of machine parameters for MRR and WR was determined. A K-D powder metal has been found to give higher MRR and WR with a processed electrode, resulting in better mechanical performance than the Superni-800. The results were verified by a confirmatory test.

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