
Trichomonasis is curable when treated. However there is increasing incidence of resistance to therapeutic drugs. <em>Solanum torvum</em> has several ethnomedicinal applications and therefore a potential source of antiparasitic drugs. The objective of this study was to assess the therapeutic potentials of extracts of fruits of <em>Solanum torvum</em> against <em>Trichomonas gallinarum</em>. Crude methanol extract of Solanum torvum was partitioned into petroleum ether (STF<sub>1</sub>), chloroform (STF<sub>2</sub>), ethyl acetate (STF<sub>3</sub>), aqueous (STF<sub>4</sub>) and STF<sub>5</sub> (<sub>precipitate</sub>) fractions. STF<sub>1</sub>, STF<sub>2</sub> and STF<sub>3</sub> were each subjected to vacuum liquid chromatography to obtain STF<sub>11- 17</sub>, STF<sub>21- 28</sub> and STF<sub>31- 37</sub>. The crude extract STF<sub>0</sub>, partition fractions STF<sub>1-5</sub> and sub fractions STF<sub>11- 17</sub>, STF<sub>21- 28</sub> STF<sub>31- 37</sub> were assayed for anti-trichomonal activity. The crude extract, STF<sub>0</sub>, at 24 h and 48 h showed LC<sub>50</sub> and LC<sub>90</sub> of 386.34±17.96, 2168.31±119.43, 85.81±20.10, 324.72±17.73 (μg/mL), respectively. STF<sub>5</sub> (<sub>precipitate</sub>) had LD<sub>50</sub> and LD<sub>90</sub> at 24 and 48 h as 25.84±5.12, 70.36±15.64 and 13.87±1.61, 42.94±6.20 (μg/mL), respectively. STF<sub>1</sub>, STF<sub>2</sub> and STF<sub>3</sub> had LD<sub>90</sub> at 48h as 72.76±1.72, 119.39±3.90 and 114.54±36.08 (μg/mL) while STF<sub>13</sub>, STF<sub>14</sub>, STF<sub>23</sub> and STF<sub>34</sub> had corresponding values of LD<sub>90</sub> at 48h as 67.18±14.90, 88.07±4.78, 89.95±7.99 and 84.03±8.03 (μg/mL). The partition fractions STF<sub>1</sub>, STF<sub>2</sub> and STF<sub>3</sub>, the VLC sub fractions STF<sub>13</sub>, STF<sub>14</sub>, STF<sub>23</sub>, STF<sub>34</sub> and the standard drug did not show significant difference (p>0.05) in their bioactivities. It is concluded that methanol extracts of the fruits of Solanum torvum are a potential source of drug (s) for the treatment of trichomoniasis.

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