
In this study we discuss the role of pronunciation in languagetesting and investigate two features of pronunciation of eightcandidates of the Test of Oral Proficiency in English (TEPOLI)along four bands of the test scale. Deviations in vowel segmentsand in syllable structure are analyzed. The results point to theneed for a global assessment of the candidates’ phonologicalsystems.


  • Teacher development programs should take into consideration what type of language education is needed for the students since they start attending regular school

  • In this paper we focus on the assessment of oral proficiency in foreign languages based on the assumption that it is possible to discuss levels of proficiency for EFL teachers only if we have a clear idea about what characterizes a teacher’s profile and what type of language he or she is expected to use as a professional

  • The National Curricular Parameters (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, PCN) (Secretaria de Educação Básica, 1998, 2000) for primary and middle school in Brazil encompass a sociocultural view of language and determine that teaching goals– concerning foreign language teaching–should be established: Testing Oral Proficiency: What Does Pronunciation Tell Us? 249 according to the students’ social, intellectual and professional needs, as well as their expectations (...) Foreign language teaching in regular schools may reveal, the relevance for the learning of other languages in Brazilian students’ lives

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Teacher development programs should take into consideration what type of language education is needed for the students since they start attending regular school. This assumption reinforces the maintenance of students own identities and it is compatible with the teaching of English as an international language, which aims at various cultures in which English is not spoken as a mother tongue and does not serve communication needs primarily with native speakers It is from this perspective that we discuss the assessment of pronunciation concerning EFL teachers. Bearing in mind that the opportunities for such communication are a lot more frequent among non-native speakers, given the contexts where English is spoken as lingua franca, students need to be equipped for EIL, to use English as a language of dialog and exchange among the most different peoples.

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