
Energetic protons haying ring type distributions are shown to generate low-frequency electrostatic waves, propagating nearly transverse to the geomagnetic field lines, in the ring current region by exciting Mode 1 arid Mode 2 nonresonant instabilities and a resonant instability. Mode 1 nonresonant instability has frequencies around ~4 Hz with transverse wavelengths of ~(8–80) km, and it is likely to occur in the region L = (7–8). Mode 2 nonresonant instability can generate frequencies ~(850–1450) Hz with transverse wavelengths ~(2–20) km. The typical frequencies and transverse wavelengths associated with the resonant instability are (950–1250) Hz and (30–65) km. Both the Mode 2 nonresonant instability and the resonant instability can occur in the ring current region with L = (4–6). The low-frequency modes driven by energetic protons could attain maximum saturation electric field amplitude varying from 0.8 mV/m to 70 mV/m. It is suggested that the turbulence produced by the low-frequency modes may cause pitch angle scattering of ring current protons in the region outside the plasmapause resulting in the ring current decay.

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