
The low-pressure MOVPE growth of ZnMgSe on (1 0 0)GaAs is reported. ZnMgSe alloys were deposited after a thin pseudomorphic ZnSe buffer layer by using dimethylzinc : triethylammine (Me 2Zn : Et 3N), ditertiarylbutilselenide ( tBu 2Se) and bis(methylcyclopentadienyl)magnesium [(MeCp) 2Mg]. Zn 1− x Mg x Se (0.10< x<0.46) epilayers were grown at 330°C, 304 mbar and a high VI/II ratio in the vapour. Under these conditions the growth is limited by the mass transport of the II-group alkyls and good control of the composition was achieved. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry measurements allowed to determine the epilayer stoichiometry and deposited dose. The ZnMgSe solid–vapour distribution curve deviates from linearity due to the different Mg and Zn alkyl vapour diffusion coefficients, whose ratio turns out to be D (MeCp)2Mg/ D Me2Zn=0.410. The epilayer crystalline properties were studied by double-crystal X-ray diffraction (DC-XRD) and high-resolution reciprocal space mapping (RSM) measurements. Rocking curve FWHM values of 540–900 nm thick Zn 1− x Mg x Se were in the 5–12 mrad range, indicating the occurrence of extended defects in the epilayers. RSM measurements in the vicinity of the (400)-peak of a Zn 0.844Mg 0.156Se/ZnSe/(1 0 0)GaAs sample showed a slight asymmetry of the ternary alloy peak along the growth direction, ascribed to an inhomogeneous relaxation of the epilayer.

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