Leakage power consumption of clock distribution networks (CDNs) is an important challenge in modern synchronous integrated circuits with billions of deeply scaled transistors. Multithreshold CMOS technology is commonly used to provide power reduction in standby mode while maintaining high performance in active mode. In this paper, a novel dual-threshold-voltage repeater circuit with split inputs–outputs (SPLIT-IOs) is employed for suppressing leakage currents in gated CDNs. Three floor planning strategies are considered for clock distribution across the chip with signal transition times of less than or equal to 50 ps at the leaves. Depending on the power supply voltage and floor plan, the standby leakage power consumption is reduced by 50.36%–78.43% with the proposed clock tree with SPLIT-IO repeaters as compared to the conventional three-level H-tree in a 45-nm CMOS technology. The spread of standby leakage power due to process variations is compressed by 36.72%–73.77% with the proposed clock tree as compared to the standard network. The proposed circuit technique significantly lowers the total energy consumption of partially active networks with local clock gating as well. The energy savings provided by the SPLIT-IO buffers are enhanced with the scaling of power supply voltage and frequency in synchronous systems-on-chip.
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