
Since the formation of the Research Seeds, Sowing Knowledge of the Latin American Center for Minor Species - CLEM in 2016, the interaction with the trainees is conceived from two perspectives: one framed in the objective of the research policy of SENA, another that transcends and addresses critical thinking from the collective construction of research skills, nuanced by expectations, perceptions, desires, and feelings of young people. From this premise, the voice of the apprentice is the dynamic reference in the design of strategies to promote processes of reflection, inquiry, creation, research, and complexity of thought in professional training. This article describes the experience of participatory construction among apprentices from different programs and levels of training and instructors; from a qualitative approach and the proposals for action research in the classroom. The theoretical reference addresses critical thinking, from the line of Paulo Freire and Stephen Kemmis and the complex thought of Edgar Morin. In this research, the integration of the training and research process is perceived from an interdisciplinary perspective and correlated with the contexts and perceptions of the learners.

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