
To build a legal and democratic state, one cannot do without such a phenomenon as lobbying. This institution exists in many developed and civilized countries, but it is ambiguous and insufficiently studied. This opinion arises after analyzing the works of scientists whose subject of study was lobbying. The main purpose of this article was to reveal the essence of lobbying in politics in terms of foreign experience of this institution and compare it with Ukrainian realities.
 The article deals with the genesis and development of the concept of "lobbying", the historical path of lobbying in foreign countries. Attention was focused on its main features, functions, forms and components, taking into account existing scientific approaches. Such a study primarily allows to distinguish lobbying from corruption and identify its positive and negative aspects. In turn, the definition of forms of lobbying is extremely important, because it makes it clear how lobbying is manifested today at the national, global and regional levels.
 As for foreign experience, special attention was paid to the United States as the country where this institution originated and is actively developing now. Also the practice of lobbying was considered on the example of such countries as: France, Belgium, Great Britain, Holland, Italy and others. The features that show how the lobbying model differs in the USA, EU countries and Ukraine were highlighted. Lobbying in Ukraine for many years was considered unnecessary and perceived by politicians and citizens in a more negative way. The reasons for this are that this phenomenon has long been perceived by our society as something corrupt and criminal. Also, the article emphasizes the role of lobbying policy in Ukraine, reveals its essence in promising directions, taking into account the opinions of scientists.
 The conclusion emphasizes the need for legislative regulation of lobbying in Ukraine, which will allow to develop a policy of maximum transparency in the activities of public institutions and create the basis for the development of a democratic country.

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