
The foundation of writing skill, which has an important place in the academic and social lives of individuals, is laid in primary school. Examining the studies on the writing skills of primary school students provides information about the writing skill levels of the students, and also contributes to the examination of new methods and techniques in writing teaching. For this reason, in this study, it is aimed to examine the articles prepared on the writing skills of primary school students (1-4. grades) between the years 2012-2020 through thematic content analysis. In the research, 64 articles on the writing skills of primary school published between the years 2012-2020 were reached with the criterion sampling method. The articles were accessed from the ULAKBİM TR index and SSCI journals scanned in Turkey. Articles have been examined in accordance with 8 parameters including publication years, aims, methods, sample levels, data collection tools, data analysis methods, results and suggestions. The data obtained regarding the categories and sub-categories reached as a result of the analysis are presented in the tables together with the codes and frequency values given to the articles. As a result of the research; It has been determined that the articles examined were mostly published in 2018 and 2020, that were mostly studied with primary school fourth grade students and that research methods were used more frequently. In the articles examined, it was determined that suggestions were made for researchers, to the ministry of national education, families, schools, practices and universities.

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