
The relevance of the investigated problem is related to transformational changes in primary school. The result of these changes was the construction of a new school that will function on the basis of joint and active activity, the atmosphere of research and cognitive cooperation between the teacher and students teaching who will be carried out through research. The purpose of the study is to substantiate theoretical foundations of the problem formation of research skills of primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school; develop and experimentally check effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of this process. Research task: based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature to reveal the theoretical foundations of the problem of formation of research skills of primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school; diagnose the initial state of formation of research skills of primary school students; develop and theoretically substantiate organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of research ability of primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school; carry out an experimental check of the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions of the researched process. Object of the study is the formation primary school students’ research skills in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school. Subject of the study are the organizational and pedagogical conditions of formation of research skills of primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school. Research methods: theoretical (analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, comparison, generalization); empirical (pedagogical experiment (determinative, formative and control stages)); diagnostic methods (pedagogical observation, questionnaires, testing, poll)). The theoretical foundations of the problem of formation of research skills of primary school students of the NUS are defined and analyzed in the study, the basis of which are the ideas of scientists who defined the priority concepts of optimal research-oriented orientation of this process: actualization the personally transforming meaning of the search activity of the education seekers; creation of a climate of research and cognitive cooperation; construction subject-subject developmental communication between the teacher and the child as equal partners. Results. It is proved that the education seekers’ organization of educational and research activities should be built on a cognitive and instrumental set of actions of a teacher and a child on a partnership based under certain conditions: motivation and purposeful involvement of students in independent performance of research tasks; taking into account individual and psychophysiological characteristics of students; activation of the intellectual and creative potential of each individual with stimulating the maximum realization of one’s own natural capability, achieving success; effective application of innovative teaching forms and methods. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of formation of research skills of primary school students in the educational process of the NUS have been developed and scientifically substantiated, in particular: providing the educational process with a research focus by creating an educational environment of an active and searching nature; realization of potential talents and opportunities of primary school students during the performance of search and research tasks by application differentiated approach; acquisition and enrichment of primary school students’ research experience through the actualization of developmental subject-subject interaction of teachers and students. Theoretical significance of the research is to discover and scientifically substantiate organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of research skills of primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school. Practical significance of the obtained results of the study is to experimentally check organizational and methodological providing process of the formation of research skills of primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school.

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