
The aim of the study was to examine whether the effect of projected temperature rises due to the global climate change could accelerate plant litter decomposition in soils of overgrown grasslands. The experiment was carried out under natural conditions at the locations of Bohinj-Polje and Uskovnica with similar environmental conditions (precipitation, parent material and soil development, plant communities) and the difference in air temperatures. The average difference in monthly air temperatures during our study were higher in Bohinj for 4.4 °C (± 1.5 °C) than in Uskovnica. Nylon mesh bags with mixed plant litter from both locations were placed into the Of horizon of the soil profiles at both locations in autumn 2007. The litter bags were sampled successively at 4 sampling times until May 2009 in 5 replicates. The litter degradation, expressed as mass loss, was throughout our study 57.1 ± 1.2 % (0 - 526 days) in Bohinj, 57.3 ± 2.6 % (0 - 555 days) at Uskovnica. No statistically significant differences in litter decomposition rate and seasonal pattern of mass loss was found between the sites. The dynamics of the total content of cellulose and lignin, Corg and N and their soluble forms (DOC and DON) were similar between the sites as well. The lignin content in the plant material did not statistically significantly change during the experiment. The results of our experiment did not confirm the effect of the difference in average air temperature on decomposition rate decreases. The results did not confirm any effect from the difference in the average monthly air temperature between the sites on the plant litter decomposition in our study.


  • The aim of the study was to examine whether the effect of projected temperature rises due to the global climate change could accelerate plant litter decomposition in soils of overgrown grasslands

  • Pogačar in sod. (2018) so ugotovili, da se tla v zadnjih letih ogrevajo tudi v Sloveniji, statistično značilen trend naraščanja letne temperature tal znaša med 0,62 in 0,76 °C/10 let, trendi naraščanja pa so večji v toplejšem delu leta

  • Leto 2008 je bilo na obeh lokacijah med bolj mokrimi leti zadnjega obdobja (2584 in 2309,8 mm)

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Lokaciji poskusa

Bohinj-Polje in Uskovnica. se zaradi različne nadmorske višine (599 in 1138 m n.m.v.) razlikujeta v povprečnih dolgoletnih temperaturah, po količini in razporedu padavin pa sta si podobni (ARSO, 2017). Se zaradi različne nadmorske višine (599 in 1138 m n.m.v.) razlikujeta v povprečnih dolgoletnih temperaturah, po količini in razporedu padavin pa sta si podobni (ARSO, 2017). Mikrolokaciji poskusa sta si podobni tudi po rabi tal in rastlinski sestavi, topografiji in matični podlagi. V obeh primerih gre za zaraščen, grbinasti travnik oziroma opuščeni pašnik. Matična podlaga na obeh lokacijah je karbonatna morena, na kateri se je razvila rendzina. Površinski Ah horizont je v obeh primerih zelo močno humozen, z meljasto ilovnato teksturo, določeno s sedimentacijsko pipetno metodo (ISO 11277, 2009), ter s podobnim pH (5,4 v Bohinju in 5,1 na Uskovnici), določenim po ekstrakciji tal z 0,01 mol l-1 CaCl2 (SIST ISO 10390, 2005), ki se z globino povečuje. Izpranost bazičnih kationov v zgornjem horizontu tal nakazuje tudi popis rastlin. Rastlinska združba na lokaciji v Bohinju je bila uvrščena v Mesobrometum erecti Koch 1926 (zveza: Bromion erecti, razred: Festuco-Brometea), na Uskovnici pa je združba nekoliko bolj prehodna in sicer med zvezami Bromion erecti in Seslerio-Mesobromion (Eler, osebna komunikacija)

Zasnova poskusa
Temperatura in padavine v času poskusa
Spremljanje razgradnje opada
Izguba mase opada
Kemijska sestava opada
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