
Yevlakh-Aghjabadi depression is a well explored oil province located in the Middle Kura basin between Greater and Lesser Caucasus.The study investigates the lithofacial, mineralogical, and collector properties of the Maykopian sedimentary series within the Yevlakh-Aghjabadi depression, focusing on the Oligocene to Early Miocene epoch. Maykop deposits are widely distributed in the foothill regions of the Lesser Caucasus, both at the surface as natural outcrops and in the geological structure of deeper formations. In this article, in addition to core samples, the results of fieldworks have also been widely discussed. The conducted research indicates favorable paleogeographic conditions for oil and gas presence in these depressions. The sedimentary sequence, up to 2200 meters thick, is divided into Lower and Upper Maykopian subgroups, showing fluctuating thickness distribution. The primary source of clastic materials for the Maykopian suit is the Lesser Caucasus Mountain range. The lithological composition consists of clay, sandstones, and conglomerates, influenced by paleogeographic changes and paleochannels. Collector properties vary, with Lower Maykopian sediments exhibiting better characteristics, especially in the south-western part of the basin. The mineralogical composition dominated by fine-grained feldspars, impacts reservoir quality. Maykopian suits in the oil and gas regions of Ganja and Muradkhanli, which encompass the southernwestern and northern-eastern flanks of the Yevlakh-Aghjabedibasin, as well as conducting extensive research on reservoir properties, will enable the proper direction of future exploration activities. For this purpose, the overall condition of the Maykopian suits and the distribution of lithofacies have been analyzed, and the characteristics of hydrocarbon reservoirs have been determined. Keywords: lithology; lithofacies; Maykopian; sandy and clayey sediments; argillaceous sandstones; porosity; permeability.

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