
Cordel literature brings together cultural heritage knowledge and experiences around its poetics through a language that expresses seeing and hearing, as important elements of the poetics of the voice. Cordel has a vast epistemological and interdisciplinary field, that opens up space for different dialogues on varied themes such as nature, culture, human values, love, death, religiosity, historical and social facts, promoting new perspectives and discoveries in the critical and literary formation of a reader. Because of that, the objective is to propose reading cordels in the classroom, observing the constituent elements of this genre, the thematic diversity, the language with its metaphors, comparisons and poetic images. The methodology is propositional. It consists of presenting proposals for reading cordels by three poets from Ceará: Dalinha Catunda, Patativa do Assaré and Moreira de Acopiara for analysis and discussion in the classroom, in order to take into account the contribution of this genre to the cultural formation of a reader. As a theoretical reference, we use the studies of Candido (2000), Bachelard (1988, 2001), Pinheiro (2012). Zumthor (1997). It is expected that reading cordels in the school environment waken the reader's interest for popular culture, orality, memory, besides that, there should be respect and appreciation for our traditions (cultural heritage knowledge).

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