
The article studies linguo-stylistic peculiarities of English advertising texts in the field of mechanical engineering. Advertising text is one of the relevant topics for linguistic research, as advertising is a dynamic phenomenon. Its development predetermines the systematization of linguo-stylistic peculiarities within English advertising texts. The aim of the article is to analyse the use of expressive linguo-stylistic devices in English-language advertising texts in the field of mechanical engineering considering their structural composition. The subject of research is English-language advertising texts in the field of mechanical engineering. The article theoretically substantiates the terminological apparatus of the research: different approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the concepts "advertising", "advertising text" and "advertising discourse" were considered. The structural features of the advertising text and their functions are also analysed. The article provides several classifications of leading scholars, on the basis of which further analysis was conducted. The study was based on the official English-language sites of such leading companies in the industry as BMW, Jaguar, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Lexus, Saturn, Audi, Subaru, Suzuki, Hyundai and others. The article focuses on the examples of expressive linguo-stylistic devices in each of the structural elements of the English advertising text in the field of mechanical engineering, taking into account the frequency of their use. The peculiarities of their functioning in media texts were also analyzed, considering pragmatics and communication strategies aimed at the recipient of the advertising message. In the course of the analysis, manipulative features of linguo-stylistic devices were indicated and outlined with the help of relevant examples. Keywords: advertising; advertising text; advertising discourse; field of mechanical engineering; linguo-stylistic peculiarities; manipulative features.

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