
This article is devoted to the lingo-cultural features of translation of military-texts. The given article considers the importance of translation techniques, the grammatical and lexical transformations the function of the abbreviations methods of translating military abbreviations in particular, from English to Russian or Uzbek. Translation of military-texts, the need to preserve the original image in translation, stylistic aspect of translation is very important in teaching English to military personnel. The given article considers the importance of translation. For the successful implementation of military translation, it is necessary not only to know the appropriate language and military terminology, but also to be educated in the field of military affairs and to know the peculiarities of foreign armed forces. Other kinds of errors arise as a result of the incorrect assignment of a term to one of the groups already indicated and the choice of an inadequate translation method. For example, the term warrant officer is translated by transcription and translation. This document consists of 329 pages, of which we analyzed 310 pages of text, because we did not consider illustrative materials (tables and diagrams) in the appendix. which always translated into Russian as a sergeant major [Strelkovsky 1979]. It follows that to clarify a translation option, it is sometimes useful to find out how a given term is translated into other languages.. For example, the term security means security, support, combat support; security; security, secrecy; counterintelligence; the term armor is armor; armored forces; tanks the terms unit and command have up to ten or more meanings.

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