
The article examines the linguistic and stylistic features of a new genre of literature — the mobile novel. It is noted that the development of communica- tion technologies in the period of the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries became the impetus for the emergence of hybrid forms that arose during the transition of classical genres to a new for them interactive environ- ment and the development of new means of artistic expression based on modern telecommunication technologies, which include mobile novel. It was determined that the purely linguistic features of the texts of this genre include the use of abbre- viations; colloquial, simplified and lapidary style; frequent omission of dramatic dialogues, which allows the reader to independently guess and interpret what they have read; the sharp unfolding of plots often keeps the reader in suspense and stimulates anticipation of the next part. The graphic stylistic devices of the mo- bile novel include the use of capitalization, phonetic repetitions (alliteration or assonance), the use of emoji, unconventional punctuation (the use of hyphens, infinity signs, exclamation marks in the middle of the sentence, etc.). During the experimental study, the linguistic stylistic features of the mobile novel “Second- Hand Memories” by the English-speaking author of Japanese origin Takatsu were analyzed. In the process of research, the compositional structure, plot line, roles of the main characters, as well as linguistic stylistic phenomena of the three levels of language — phonographical, lexical and grammatical, and syntactic — were analyzed.

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