
The aim of the article is to determine the state and directions for improving the implementation effectiveness of the open science concept in libraries of higher education institutions of Ukraine.
 Research methods. To achieve the set goal and solve the tasks, content analysis, systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization are used.
 Scientific novelty. On the basis of the formed sample of 12 libraries of Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs), the thematic range of electronic resources and services of institutional repositories is identified, as well as the methodical and regulatory support for their functioning is characterized. The article highlights peculiarities of implementing the basic principles of open science by libraries of Ukrainian HEIs, additionally, reveals the reserves for developing an open information space for scientists and education seekers.
 Main conclusions. Based on the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign researchers’ scientific works, the contribution of scholars to the formation of conceptual foundations of open science as a communication phenomenon, which is of key importance for the development of the digital society and knowledge society in total, is established. A number of priority tasks that need to be solved are formulated: improving the means of technological support for institutional repositories; providing libraries of HEIs with open access to subscribed resources and abstract bibliographic databases, as well as collections of digitized publications included in the State Register of National Cultural Heritage of Ukraine; providing educational materials in open access (disciplines programs, lectures notes, meetings protocols, didactic materials, etc.); elaborating and implementing a number of information, library and educational methodologies of scientific interaction with different categories of users. The significance of the resource potential of modern practices in HEIs libraries in prevalencing the achievements of open science is substantiated and summarized; the current state of implementing the open science concept in Ukrainian HEIs is determined. Prospects for further research include testing different aspects of the open access implementation; development of open science tools and services by HEIs libraries.

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