
Relevance of this topic is due to modern requirements for libraries of higher education institutions (HEI).Objective: Consideration of issues related to development of modern course of action for libraries of HEI – responsibility for dissemination of scientific research findings of scientists in global scientific information space.Methodology. Stages of implementation of new services in libraries of HEI, which are based on new competencies of information specialists, are investigated by the author using methods of scientific analysis and generalization.Results. Practical implementation of new services in activities of high school libraries for support and promotion of scientific researches is considered using the example of the scientific library of UEPA.Findings. Libraries of higher education institutions nowadays have a powerful potential to support and promote Ukrainian science. Library becomes an information broker in research of scientific status of teachers and HEI. The vector of attention to priority of providing services for author-scientist is changing in libraries of HEI. To become a full partner in development of digital science and education, librarians need to acquire new knowledge,skills and competences constantly. Modern librarians should feel free in intellectual environment of scientist, to work with metadata, to know search technologies, principles of information resources distribution, data storage. Besides, librarians should have a broad vision and understanding of publishing models, both traditional (commercial, public) and open access, intellectual property issues, and economic aspects of scientific publishing process.Being active participants of new infrastructure of scientific communication libraries help to increase visibility of scientific publications and their scientific influence. Effective mechanisms for publication activity growth, which libraries use nowadays, contribute to increasing ratings of scientific potential of HEI.

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