
the article analyses notion of lexical skills and process related to their effective usage. The lexical skill is an automated action for the choice of a lexical unit adequate to the plan and its correct combination with other units in productive speech and automated perception and association with meaning in receptive speech Lexical skills are divided into receptive (in listening and reading) and productive (in speaking and writing). Productive lexical skills are understood as the skills of intuitively correct word usage and word formation in oral and written speech in accordance with situations and goals of communication. By receptive lexical skills are meant the skills of recognition and understanding when perceived by ear or when reading lexical phenomena. Thus, the lexical speech skill includes two main components: word usage and word formation (to correlate the visual / sound image of a word with semantics, to differentiate words that are similar in sound and spelling, to reveal the meaning of words using context, to recognize and understand the learned words and phrases in speech/ graphic text. In order to form lexical skills, the teacher needs to clearly understand the stages of work on lexical material. The process of introducing vocabulary begins with the presentation of the lexical unit and its explanation.

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