
We discuss the use of the linguistic corpus as a means for the development of collocational competence of students. We reveal the contents of the concepts of “lexis” and “lexical skill”. Lexical skills are divided into receptive (word perception) and productive (word use). We distin-guish the operations that underlie the lexical skill and the stages of the formation of the lexical skill. We define the skills for attaining mastery of language competence in high school students, according to the main general education program in the “English language” profile. In accordance with the modern trends of education computarization, the skill of working with corpus technology is worth to notice. In connection with the rapid development of a foreign language, there are doubts about the relevance of lexical data of educational literature, since its creation takes more than a year. Therefore, the electronic linguistic corpus is seen as the most effective means in solv-ing the problems of learning foreign language vocabulary. We review and analyze the definitions of the linguistic corpus and concordance given by previous researchers. Based on the analysis of previous works on this topic, the following didactic features of the electronic linguistic corpus are highlighted and described: a) multilingualism; b) the ability to search for specific information; c) contextual search results; d) the diversity of functional text types; e) sorting the search results; f) the relevance of the text data; g) accessibility on the Internet. In addition to the didactic features above, we add multi-level resources feature. The methodological functions of the linguistic corpus that determine its use in foreign language vocabulary teaching are identified. Collocation is singled out as a lexical unit, which plays the most significant role in the construction of the speaker's speech. Paper reveals the meaning of the terms “collocation” and “collocational competence”. After analyzing the scientific literature, we establish that knowledge of collocations increases the fluency and diversity of speech, which are necessary requirements in the modern communicative approach in teaching foreign language. The need to study collocations determines the development of collocational competence.

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