
The work is study demonstrates a trend to colloquialization and increase of expression language in modern Ukrainian newspaper text and determines the stylistic potential of jargon and slang elements. The newspaper text of socio-political direction is and remains the basic component of the media. Despite the powerful development of modern media such as the Internet, television, radio, the newspaper remains one of the types of informative sources, if not in paper, then electronically. Struggling for their existence, for circulation and accessibility, journalists seek to make the language of presentation interesting, original, emotionally colored. One of the methods of updating, modernizing the newspaper text was the use of professional vocabulary to reflect contemporary socio-political realities on both the Ukrainian and world scale. The use of term units outside the language of science, the transfer of elements of scientific style to journalism provokes their lexical, semantic modifications under the influence of external and intra-language factors. The term “terminology”, which many modern researchers use, today has considerably expanded its scope. In addition to naming the concepts of a particular scientific field, it denotes the term units used outside the terminology field in an unusual context for them, as well as professional vocabulary (professionalism, professional jargon, terminologized jargon) and nomen. Conversational-reduced vocabulary and terminological vocabulary are united by a common function – to convey the desired opinion to the consumer of information as clearly as possible. Widespread use of colloquial vocabulary to denote various spheres of society contributes to the strengthening of the expressive function in modern newspaper texts. In recent years, the expressive function of the Ukrainian press has significantly increased. The newspaper text is quantitatively dominated by colloquial tokens to denote persons by type of activity, certain professional abilities, interests, social status or belonging to a certain ideological, socio-political direction, military, public organization or group. Stylistically reduced lexical units add a taste of oral communication to the language of modern periodicals, give it expressiveness, simplicity, casual character, emotional coloring, add notes of sarcasm, familiarity, sharpness, but often shake lexical norms, actualize language vulgarity. Term vocabulary became the basis for the emergence and dissemination of spoken vocabulary in the language of the press

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