
The article explores the issues of implementation of the principles of democracy in the educational process, which consists in providing students with different levels of openness to scientific inquiries. Foreign researchers identify four levels of learning based on requests in science education: confirmation request, structured request, managed request, and open request.The article describes intensive methods that contribute to the introduction of democracy in the educational process: design thinking, problem-oriented learning, case-based training or case studies, the meta-question.The experiment described in the article involves students of different specialties in the implementation of the educational project “I open my school”, which took place in the framework of independent work in the discipline “Labor Protection in the Education Sector”. The experimental tasks had 4 levels of democracy, each of them was performed by 4 groups of undergraduate researchers.The experiment involved students of magistracy of different specialties who, in the framework of independent work, carry out the project “I open my school” at different levels of involvement: level 1 – “reproductive involvement” (confirmation request); level 2–“structural involvement” (structured request); level 3–“guidance involvement” (managed request); level 4–“true (open) involvement” (open request).The criteria were developed for project evaluation, which took into account not only the content, reliability, and correctness of project results, but also the course of project implementation, teamwork ability, delegate powers, etc. The results of the experiment were analyzed: students working at the level of genuine involvement made a more meaningful project, gained more in-depth knowledge and gained personal experience of independently using labor protection regulations in the field of education. Working in groups has made it possible to learn collaboration, mutual respect and teamwork, which develops everyone’s responsibility for success in the common cause.

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