
Currently, the education environment is experiencing great challenges; In other words, education in Peru, especially Regular Basic Education (EBR), presents a series of difficulties in the writing of administrative and academic documents. The objective of the study is to establish the relationship between the level of written communication, the linguistic deficiencies, and the achievement of competences in students entering an Universidad Pública del Cusco. The study approach is quantitative and applicative, with a causal correlational cross-sectional design; It is made up of a total of 1406 students entering the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco, choosing for the study of 142 students through non-probability sampling for convenience, compiling the information using the Likert scale, having examined its validity and reliability. Obtaining the fundamental conclusions that if there is a significant association between the level of written communication, linguistic deficiencies, and the achievement of competencies in students entering an Universidad Pública del Cusco. As well as it is observed with the contrast of the hypothesis test whose "P-value" = 0.000 is less than the significance value 0.05. Evidence using the Rho Spearman statistical test denies the null hypothesis, and we admit the alternative hypothesis.

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