We study the thermal leptogenesis in the $E_6\times U(1)_A$ SUSY GUT model in which realistic masses and mixings of quarks and leptons can be realized. We show that the sufficient baryon number can be produced by the leptogenesis in the model, in which the mass parameter of the lightest right-handed neutrino is predicted to be smaller than $10^8$ GeV. The essential point is that the mass of the lightest right-handed neutrino can be enhanced in the model because it has a lot of mass terms whose mass parameters are predicted to be the same order of magnitude which is smaller than $10^8$ GeV. We show that O(10) enhancement for the lightest right-handed neutrino mass is sufficient for the observed baryon asymmetry. Note that such mass enhancements do not change the predictions of neutrino masses and mixings at the low energy scale in the $E_6$ model which has six right-handed neutrinos. In the calculation, we include the effects of supersymmetry and flavor in final states of the right-handed neutrino decay. We show that the effect of supersymmetry is quite important even in the strong washout regime when the effect of flavor is included. This is because the washout effects on the asymmetries both of the muon and the electron become weaker than that of the tau asymmetry.
Coefficients [26,27,28,29,30]
We study the thermal leptogenesis in the E6 × U(1)A SUSY GUT model in which realistic masses and mixings of quarks and leptons can be realized
We show that O(10) enhancement for the lightest right-handed neutrino mass is sufficient for the observed baryon asymmetry
It is plausible to enhance a coefficient of an interaction if there are a lot of higher dimensional interactions which contribute to the coefficient by the same order after developing the VEVs of the negatively charged operators. We calculate the lepton number in the E6 × U(1)A model with the Dirac neutrino Yukawa couplings Yαi (α = 1, 2, · · · , 6, i = 1, 2, 3) which are determined by the symmetry as in table 2 and the masses Mα for the mass eigenstate of the RH neutrinos Nα. It is important to include supersymmetric contributions and the effects of lepton flavor in the final state of the decay process simultaneously. In a realistic situation of the E6 ×U(1)A GUT model, i.e., in the case of SUSY+flavor, the sufficient lepton number can be obtained if the enhancement factor for the N1 mass is around 16. This means that M1 ∼ 9 × 108 GeV.
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