
It is an exciting time for medieval philosophy. Recent archival research done by Stephen Kearns (2021) at the site of the Librarium Babelii (first discovered by J. L. Borges in 1941; for a detailed report see Borges 1984) has uncovered the long-lost autograph of Drosslogion, the important work by medieval philosopher LeMans which formed the basis for Anselm’s parody so-called ‘ontological argument’. Kearns’ reconstruction of the argument from the original Pig-Latin is meticulously done. In this paper, I hope to offer evidence that Anselm, in the same work that he offers his parody argument, gives a direct reply to LeMans’s. Rather than offering merely a parody, he additionally offers an argument which directly entails the unsoundness of LeMans’s. Kearns’ reconstruction of the original argument runs as follows: Some liberties have been taken with the original text. For instance, while classical Pig-Latin has no articles, definite or otherwise, medieval Pig-Latin does. That being said, the argument is, I believe, a faithful reconstruction of the original. Kearns notes, of LeMans’s argument, that ‘it is unclear how one might rationally support [Anselm’s] argument without also advocating [LeMans’s]’ (Kearns 2021: 452).

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