
In the paper the author examines regulatory legal acts both at the level of laws and at the level of by-laws regulating scientific and innovative activity of medical organizations in order to determine a legal regulation of such activities that corresponds to the existing realities. On the basis of the study the author comes to the conclusion that the existing legal framework in this area is imperfect. This conclusion is justified by the fact that, first, the fundamental law in the field of scientific activity - the Federal law of 23.08.1996 № 127-FZ "On Science and State-Technical Policy" - is outdated and its provisions cannot properly regulate modern science in the field of medicine, since it was adopted more than 20 years ago and, during this period, there have been significant changes in the field, e.g. high-tech medical equipment has been created, medical organizations are using innovative developments in their work. Second, the fundamental law regulating innovation activity as a whole has not been adopted until now, which, of course, causes problems for the legal regulation of innovative activities of medical organizations.

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