
The article examines the legal regime of library information based on current national legislation and directive documents of the European Union. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals, as a result of the study of the legal nature of library information, aimed at developing the theory of information law about types of information and improving the system of legal provision of access to information in the library field, focused on the maximum realization of the information rights of citizens in the field of library business conditions modern digital environment
 Complexity and systemic analysis contributed to the application of general scientific and special methods of cognition, which is due to the nature of relations that formed in the field of library information.
 As a result, stated that the transition to a knowledge society based on reliable information connected with the need to reform the library sphere, the development of Ukrainian legislation in the field of library affairs. This is important for strengthening the role of libraries and improving the legal regulation of their activities in conditions of digitalization, ensuring the realization of human and citizen rights, preserving the informational and cultural heritage of the state, as well as increasing the level and efficiency of the process of providing services in this area. It indicated that library information is a separate type of information in the system of objects of informational legal relations with a certain legal regime. The presence of special subjects of information relations that arise in relation to access to library information substantiated and the peculiarities of their legal status are determined. It characterized by a unique set of transactions regarding library information, which in the conditions of digitization of libraries a form of storage of primary information in the form of a collection of data, including digitized and/ or those information resources that are originally digital (electronic) and secondary information that is collected in the library's only navigation and search engine. In the conclusion, it is appropriate to note that library information is a separate type of information that is determined by a specific legal regime.

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